Newcomers took initiative on CSWC Latvia

The best ones of the CSWC Latvia
The Latvian qualification round for the Cigar Smoking World Championship took place at the lovely K.K. fon Stricka home, where all day cigar activities took place to make this qualification day truly cigar day, when friendship and enthusiasm for cigars were celebrated. The Latvian CSWC was open, and competitors from Estonia, Finland, and Lithuania competed in this qualification round.
Alexander and Olexandr were the first time competitors, while Nikola takes 2nd place for the 2nd year in a row. All are Riga Cigar Club members. We are very proud on their results and achievement - Organisers of CSWC - Riga Cigar Club

Olexandr Lytvynenko - 2nd positioned with organisers from Riga Cigar Club

CSWC competition cigar in slow burning action
The magnificent site was crowded with slow smoking competitors after a nice day on open, in Villa garden where they enjoyed activities and good music. Dmitry Smirnov was the competition's chief judge, and he oversaw a large group of contestants who successfully pushed CSWC Rocky Patel cigars to their limits. Prizes from CSWC sponsors were ready to be awarded to the winners, adding even more incentive to win.

CSWC Latvia was full day entertaimnet

Going through CSWC rules before race

Prizes from the CSWC global partners
The race began, and the results were excellent. Two rookies brilliantly ended the race with outstanding results. Alexander Ostrovskiy won the title of Latvian Champion 2023 with outstanding results. Second, newcomer Olexandr Lytvynenko finished in third position, and Nikola Branjak - well known from last year when he took second place - did the same this year, by deserving a significant second place with only a slightly more than minute difference from Alexander, the Latvian Champion 2023.

Amazing venue was ideal slow smoking arena for Latvian CSWC