Another title for Mirco Montanaro, the reigning champion of Milan 2023

Usual competition position when competitors feel that their ash is in danger to fall of
On May 8th, 2023, the CSWC 2023 Timechase took place in the smoking room of the renowned restaurant "Zio Pino" in Milan. CSWC Judge Stjep Markulin did again great job with this prequalify - Time Chase event among Cigar Club Ambrosiano members and cigar aficionados from Milano region.
Another great Time Chase prequalify where competitors can make their smoking skills sharper and sharper. We can see improvement of the smoking times from the last year which is important to get from competitors. They could definitely use our "training" sessions on line and on that way even more improve their skills and times- Marija Marovic, CSWC Head Judge

Mirco Montanaro, the reigning champion of Milan 2023

Burned ring with 15 penalty minutes on one of cigars
Mirco Montanaro, the reigning champion, took the podium with a time of 1:18:23, significantly improving on his time from the previous year (01:05:53). Marco Odescalchi earned the silver medal with a time of 1:09:10, despite receiving a five minute penalty for dropping ash. The bronze medal went to Matteo Dal Castello, a new member of the Cigar Club Ambrosiano, with a time of 0:45:06.

Some of the CSWCD Milano competitors No1

Some of the CSWCD Milano competitors No2

Some of the CSWCD Milano competitors No3