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CSWC AND CLUB MAREVA ON THE Romania-Croatia Business Forum

Bucharest was host of Romania - Croatia Business Forum


Presenters on the summit with Croatian Ambassador Marija Kapitanović (middle) and president of CCIB Iuliu Stocklosa

On the occasion of Croatia and Romania's 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations, a Business Forum was held in Bucharest on Thursday (October 20), bringing together representatives from the two countries' institutions, economy, culture, and media in the palace of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB). CCIB and Lifestyle Check IN from Split organized the forum. It was inaugurated by CCIB president Iuliu Stocklosa in the presence of Croatian ambassador to Romania Marija Kapitanovic.

Opportunities like this are extremely important for the cigar community, as it is a great way to have a public opportunity to speak about the importance of an active cigar community in the sense of private clubs and cigar-social events that provide great network and business opportunities on a global level among a very targeted, high end business group of people.- Marko Bilic, CSWC Founder


Marko Bilic discussed the importance of private clubs and cigar social events from a business standpoint.


Cristian Sep, Viorela Ursuleac and Marko Bilic on  the first evening of the summit

The primary goals of this summit are to promote bilateral economic and commercial relations as well as to open new business and investment opportunities for the participating companies. From that perspective, Marko Bilic, Founder of CSWC and Cigar Club Mareva, presented the power and influence of private cigar clubs and cigar social events in developing and creating opportunities on many levels. He discusses the general public's incorrect perception of cigar culture, as well as the importance of acknowledging cigar culture's significant contribution among some of the most important social and lifestyle elements with a significant positive impact on the business segment of modern society.


Monika Ionisescu(left) organizer of summit and owner of Lifestyle -Check In agency


Felix Matei (left) Romanian CSWC champion and Radu Cucuta president of Romania Cigar Club


Special cigar event at exclusive private club organised by Viorela Ursuleac

Activities around summit was supported by close friend of Cigar Club Mareva - Viorela Ursuelac, founder and owner of company Exclusive XXI, which are official importer of Casdagli Club Mareva cigars. As an experienced event organizer, Viorela used opportunity of Bilic's presence in Bucharest and gathered some of Bucharest's most important cigar aficionados, including and special guests such as Felix Matei, CSWC Champion of Romania, Lucien Laza, CSWC Judge, and Radu Cucuta, president of Romania Cigar and Pipe club and organizer of CSWC qualifier in Romania, on the cigar event in the exclusive private club, where Marko Bilic presented his story about his passion toward cigars, about  Club Mareva and CSWC.


All weekend activities were supported by Club Mareva member Ante Palac from Croatia Revealed, who provided a taste of Croatia in the form of some of the best Croatian wines and spirits.


Viorela Ursuleac with special guests of the event.

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